Monday, February 9, 2009

ben on board

fickle wants to extend a heartz (hearty) welcome <(from germanz with the retarded kezboard)> to BEN from Newport, who is one of the smilingest, rippingest guys ever... we knew this guy could never possibly fit in anywhere, with his interest in going into the peace corps and all that...

For a guy like ben, who is more likely to go into ecofarming or some treebark granola thing like that, than to hesh or fresh up with the latest skateboarding fads, there is a company like Fickle that is always willing to stink up your local spots for a feelgood skate... Ben rounds our first year sponsorships. between him and matt simpson, we can go do some barbeques and have some good times...

by the way, we are serious about not undercutting our core shops, so we sell the boards out of the car for close to the price at the shops. usually around 40, so get in there and support these shops that actuallz do something for skateboardiong. donät buy anythiojng from cosmic or in the mall or something like that. sheesh.

ironicallz, it is cheaper in the core shops, too.ö

from a german kezboard... from germanz.
...and i canät wait to be back to skate the hensley at Sessions.

in germany

first thing. y and z are reversed on the kezboard. see<- also the question mark is different so zou get thisy<- kind of thing.

We are glad that Roy down at the Ridge skateshop has honored us with substantial wallspace. we hope to do him well there... We appreciate all the shops that have taken us on this year. We recogniye that there are some risks with getting involved with a group like us, led bz a dude like
we will trz to not harm those who carrz us, while we will continue to be ourselves...