Saturday, September 19, 2009

What Footy?

Every day, skateboarders are out there, working hard to the whirr of the genny, scrounging to get the clips that will make them famous for being rippers! At Fickle, we do trips all the time, and we end up with footage like this after three hours of working Kokomo, IN. After this it was Mexican food and a midnight trip home!!! These little kids, Riley and Seth, have it good, hitting 3 parks in a day (major taylor, carmel, and Kokomo) and the Rise skate shop in Carmel. Their dials are getting set to skateboarding as art expression, for the pure fun of living! yeah you could have seen footage of great tricks and lines we did that day, but THIS is what was really worth sharing. Go get your own lines and try to be like this little mopheaded blighter here... you won't be sorry.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, Lew! Names Andy- we just met at the Ross Park bowl yesterday. Your company is real legit, man! If I can help out in any way, I'd be happy to. I know there's an initiative towards a skatepark in our neighborhood, so if there's some way I can offer support, lemme know. Also, I can draw. Flyers, graphics, etc. You can get ahold of me at Oh yeah, I also like to skate, so....
