Okay I know you get vibed about this sometimes--oooh, our stuff's made in the USA! But you gotta hear this. Fickle is not only made solidly from fresh, top-quality. We are made in Pennsylvania by the company that has been supplying the East Coast for years and years with the best skateboard wood that this country has ever seen, no questions! Pennswood/Titan has stocked us up for a new era of amazing wood in the Midwest. So while other companies depend on partners who'll ship their wood a thousand miles (and who knows if they didn't mix in non-domestic wood), Fickle is sourcing our wood from the absolute BEST partner the industry could offer!
We are not only 100% American Made, with Hardrock Maple right at the cool line where it grows the gnarliest. We are also Midwest Regional! We GO THERE and GET our boards. We eyeball the shipment and verify the quality! We know the owner and check each board with him there! We skate their ramp and spend time talking about how things work.
So when you stand on a Fickle and you notice the amazingness of our new 8.25 14.75wb--the proper concave the elliptical kick...
...when you feel the reworked 8 and 1/8th with a shorter, street-metered wheelbase...
...when you get on board the "Man and a Half" 8.5 15wb...
You are tasting what true American Made skateboarding has to offer. You are participating in what we feel is a return to roots--making your boards in your country at a quality level that you feel very very proud of, with dimensions that will help actual human beings do better tricks.
Now go ride a fickle.
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