Well, cold weather has set in, but things are still busy with FickleBoards! We're finalizing our warehouse plans and getting geared up to really push for urban skateparks in Cincinnati, with the Northside Skatepark effort. So there is a lot of lumber and stuff going on.
Also, our Lexington Rep, Andrew Jones, is this really crusty old man with a lot of weather on his wings. Well he skates and he surfed for years on the northern west coast and stuff--real salty dog... and he built a sick sick sick mini for Loki Skate Shop in nicholasville KY, about 15 minutes from Lex... This thing is Built! You see, Andrew used to build BOATS, and his ramp-building skills are SICK.
Also in the works, a wooden bowl in a heretofore undisclosed location.
Also in the works, two Experimental Board Projexts. EBP's are one of our favorites. You see, what we do is we look around and think on what we want to ride... and we look at what we've done so far... And we come up with something new! Something so different and cool that you're like "Whoah". then we find experimental test riders and have them get one on pre-order at a MAJOR discount, and they give us the feedback on it.
Once the first experimental run is finished, we refine it and release the done deal. Sometimes we end up at the drawing board, but so far, it's worked out really well...
This EBP is a 35" board with a 16.5" wheelbase. It's main purpose is speed to cruise hills, bomb-and-slide style. At this point it looks good for pools, too. Tony Alva rides a 34 or a 36 every time he goes out, so this is kind of a middle ground for old-school street or pool riding, too.
So there are a lot of projects going on! And we're having a blast.