Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Cincinnati HQ: electricity

many of you out there know that Fickle Boards is HQ'ed in Cincinnati, Ohio. We come from all over the country: Lew from NY, Ben from KY, Matt from KY, Carrie lives over near Beechmont, Native is Westside via Arizona, you get it...
...and being in Cincinnati has left us with several months of the year in need of shelter.

We were stoked last year to receive the invitation to watchdog an upper level of a warehouse building in OTR--that's the legendary Over the Rhine neighborhood, and we are honored to play a part in bringing more skateboarding to that neighborhood. We say ...bringing more skateboarding to... because as we have been moving in, we have found that mass people skate there and that there are a lot of skaters with an interest in that neighborhood...
we have found that it is in "economically depressed" areas like these that scumbag little skateboard companies and cutting-edge music can find cheap space for shelter from the storms...

...and with our new friend, Ian Brown, we are getting light in our little piece of shelter. Tomorrow is the install of a new electric line, paid for with wood and blood, on the cheap, with Ian Brown.

We have found a true HOME at a lot of your spots, shops, parks and houses, in all the different places where Fickle is found. A lot of you have taken us in on the road. Daniel and Amanda, Bob and Diane, Landshark and Lisa... We are stoked to have the chance to create a space to share with those of you who have sheltered us along the way. Hopefully there will be light and heat in this borrowed space for a long time, since the need for watchful caretakers has created this opportunity.
We also hope that serious opportunity will exist in the future, in the form of proper, concrete municipal parks in urban 'hoods, so that we can share the love with a larger and more diverse crowd every year...

Please support your local skatepark efforts. Volunteer.
Support you local skate shop, if they're not blowing it. If they're all cruddy, give 'em hell and get it straight. Shops are the number one advocates for proper parks. There's nothing worse than a bad skatepark. ugggh. let's not even think of how bad a bad park is...

Some thoughts from fickle corporate...

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