Well, as a whirlwind chain of events, Lew is heading to San Diego on Tuesday till friday latenight to attend a trade show...
Our friend Michael Brooke, the publisher of Concrete Wave magazine hits me up on Skype and pays my ticket, so there I go. What am I supposed to do?
But what does FickleBoards have to do with Jamie Thomas' trade show, you may ask? Where is the connection between the Black Box Dist. tradeshow in the Petco Stadium parking lot and little, tiny Fickle Boards Ltd, here in Cincinnati? Here it is:
The whole show was started as a "core" contrast to the ASR deal that goes off like a neutron bomb around the same time. Jamie started the thing to showcase the companies that are doing it authentically. At FickleBoards, we have made our stand: Quality Wood.
Quality Wood. Everyone who skates our boards gets this (except for that one shop that I still owe a quality swap to, but I'll get to you in a minute, just be patient!). Our partnership with our pennsylvania-based wood supplier is a product of our number one priority: to get you on the best skateboard wood you've ever had.
If we wouldn't love to ride it, we won't waste our time developing it. Everything we are doing is about ensuring that there will be wood-houses in this country that produce Quality Wood.
Concaves, Kicks, Fades, Wheelbases... in widths that you wouldn't dream you'd love, but once you tried them, you knew that we were on to something.
So when I'm at the CCwave booth with a duffle bag of Fickle Boards, I'm going to rep the one cause we have: to get quality wood back on the top of the stack in the skateboarding community.
We don't begrudge anyone the right to import cheap junk, and with all the ad dollars and shoe ads, we're not surprised that the kiddies are beggin their moms for cheap junk...
...we understand why those inferior products sell for more than Quality Wood, too. Hype has always run the show.
...but lifelong skaters and beginners alike keep stoking us onward with comments like "this is how it ought to be" and "you're changing skateboarding". Naaw. We just care about what is most core of all: how well the thing under your feet works.
Ask the dude that tried for 30 minutes... to focus one of our boards... in a senseless act of brand retaliation and turf aggression. He ran out of energy... that board was then skated for weeks by one of our former riders who just doesn't want another kind of board, even though he's stepped off the team!
WE are having a BLAST producing wood that is at the absolute top of production standards, industry-wide, world-wide. We are committed to providing just that quality to the skateboarding community, long term. So to heads in the Northwest who order us online, or to shops who carry us, we are STOKED and we thank you!
Starting Fickle last year, I would not have imagined a trade show in SD. Since I am going there I'll just keep my head and stay on target: All we want to do is produce wood that WE are stoked to skate. Just doing unto others...
Lew, that is great news. You deserve the success you are seeing with Fickle. Good things happen when hard work and quality come together. Keep livin' the dream.