Old Lew just spent 5 days in Savannah. It was PROPER! there are no pix. there was no filming. only memories were made, and a course was charted for Fickle and Savannah Georgia to be longterm buds.
many many thanks to the heads at Woody's Skate Park who hold it down in the heat for SAV. Brian, Josh, Boe, and the quiet dude, you all made my time there waaay fun. Justin and Justin's intelligent brother, you were massively fun to skate with. the wide-faced californian kid, you stoked everyone all the time!
Fabio and Summer, thanks for hosting the wild Lew's bearded wild man status! Loved the Cusses at the Jinx, and all the carnivorous plants in the garden... Miles and Harper are wild man status for sure.
To all you heads who were cool to me while I sojourned among you: Joe and Denise Burdick and fam, Jeremy and Jimmy from Underground, and so many others who didn't mugg me for my lunch money and who fed me and gave me drink, THANK YOU!!!!
without a doubt, there are tons of folks who we're looking forward to seeing again, and we'll make it as soon as possible.
thanks and shouts to Bhavik and Brennan (the wide faced boy) and curly moustache classy ledge-tech photographer who posted pics
HEREit is amazing to travel to so many places and see cooperation and common stoke making a place in so many cities... thank you all Savannah! We can't wait to bring Brumley, Weston, Native, Ben, Carrie, Elijah, Shane, and Joshie to get sunbaked with all of you soon.
Seriously though, we're going to skate nights down there. it's hot.