Thursday, August 12, 2010

we are people who skate, who skate and work together to make skateboards that we like to skate... and in between skating them, we sell them to people who like to skate them... and we don't really know what anybody is talking about with some "industry" thing out there...

as far as Fickle Boards is concerned, we're just like, "Let's go skate!" and if you're "better" or "worse" isn't even on our minds. We just learn off you and you learn off us and we're STOKED...

Our boards get made in PA or in the home shop press here in Cincinnati, and we sell them to your shop or to you directly out of Old Lew's HOUSE! So when you get one, it's all handled by our crew...

Especially Sunshine, Weston, Native and Ben help out with shrink wrapping your freebies and stickers in there...

...and we are working every day to make sure your shop and you can get Fickle Boards on time and pressed right, because WE love to skate good wood and that's what we want to share with you.

We look forward to the day when we're screening all our boards by hand ourselves in the shop here. It's coming fast, so if you get one with a small flaw, soon, please count it as authenticity points and enjoy the quality as you skate and destroy. If you get one you really like, slap some rails on it, or take a pic before you smear it.

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