Tuesday, October 19, 2010

It was bloomington!

Bloomington IN was the first stop on Roadtrip 17. I forgot that one.

Here's what we love about Bloomington: super chill, super enthusiastic people like Ian at Amused. Ian flat out RRRRRIIIPPPPS, but doesn't exude that jock jaded air of elitism that can make a skateshop feel like guitar center. He and the other guy there (you are awesome but I forgot yer name but I know you won't mind) they really run a great, encouraging shop. And rippers? Man they got rippers up there.

As for us, my foggy recollection of that day has us pulling up in two waves, with van B going to Amused and van A having to skip it. Van A was plenty bummed about that.

At the park, Viles went straight to work destroying the coping in the big bowl. Weston perched himself atop many a grind and reverted himself with panacea, at will. Kris Link found out the lines. Brumley crushed stuff under his frontsides, while Native lubed the whole place with cool.  Ben handled everything there with sickness and style, throwing a crazy smith to revert on the right-hand hip of the pool-bowl. 

Ian brown, Matt Simpson, Old Lew, Riley, and the Pterasaur all played around.  Matt killed some stuff and Lew learned a new twist on his signature fly-out-based skate style.

Local ripper Dallas showed us man-sized control and a trick bag years deep.  We were stoked.

We left Bloomington for Greencastle after a good few hours.

Once we dial in wood we're proud of, we will make sure that Amused has enough.  We got some raves from up there. Hand made boards from fickle will probably get used up there on the edge....at least by US, because we are coming back again and again. 

Good vibes to Dreamland for putting up a quality park. Props to Amused for repping the reasons we first started. Really. Thanks.

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