Here's a picture...
Last night, Forrest Hagedorn and I busted the Plaster Casting off this mold. It is pretty much perfect.
We spent the time dreaming and talking about dimensions and shapes for the wood we'll be pressing off this mold. A lot of our riders have gotten really excited about being able to really explore dimensions and shapes that they've wanted for years.
Now, don't get us wrong, we're not going to do a lot of custom orders. This is going to roll out pretty normally.
But we are definitely excited as a crew because we get to experiment on new shapes that WE make.
Because The Fickle Workshop is slated to be the only place Fickle Boards are made, we only have a few hundred boards to make for our customers, so we can continue to mess around with other stuff...
...There isn't a plan to become a factory...
...There's no path to providing blanks, shop decks, or pressing for any other brand...
we are planning to keep it to one workshop, one brand, hand made by hand...
Our hope is that eventually, a Fickle Board will be identifyable as a really fun experience, from concept to concrete. And that the quality of a 4-hour pressed, 4 Day Cured board from Fickle Labs will keep you stoked as you go 30.
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