Friday, March 25, 2011

New Lighting and Electric

The Fickle Workshop (Lew's Lair) got a makeover yesterday, while prototypes pressed in the "Squeezer". Ian Brown came down with "Johnny" (a wicked cool neighbor with a 5 foot tall indian statue in his front yard)... and they put in all new totally up to code wiring for sockets and mass fluorescent lamps and stuff for all the workbenches and stuff...

Basically, they set us up to cook with grease down there...

So that's how that went. It was pretty insane.

Now we're focusing on getting enough wood cooked up for Josh and Weston to go home with a stack of Prototype Testers. Each one will have scribble scratched pencil details on it about it's contents and process stuff... As soon as they break, warp, chip or whatever, we'll bring them back and take a look at how we can do it better... Its insanely fun stuff...

We aren't taking over the world... we're just trying to get under and lift a little. these boards should help you out. Look for us in May!

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