Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Building some of the Jersey Wall at the Workshop...

we owe a hearty thank you to our good friend Kris Link, who shot and edited this little gem... a day in the life over here...


  1. well, I watched this in its entirety! so there! lol... looks like a ton of hard work.. and explains what happened to the Brooklyn shirt.. lol

  2. haha brice... i was freaked that i got taken out of context. and that link zereoed in on the old gut there... the flex and wink was my offering to heal the world of glamour.

  3. ...of the rift I rip through it on a daily basis with my bearded, pelted paunch, on my handmade shred-sleds.

  4. For the record, Link took me out of context. I have NO Girlfriends in california. There is only Judy. JUDY ROSS IS A SAINT! Don't you dare speak against that! I'll cut a fool. and yes, she does exist.
