Monday, August 17, 2009

Daniel and Amanda: Zeke's Reppin the Fickness!

On our last big road trip we arrived at the Knoxville Skate Park and started to shred... I took a break and asked a couple of nice people if they knew where we could pitch our tent. They told us to use their backyard. Cool! Then when we got there they wouldn't let us pitch the tent! They put us up in style, feeding us first chili that night, then belgian waffles in the morning. It was amazing. We would like to post up their cool kid Zeke, whose love of skating is exemplary of what it is to be a "lifer", in tribute to their amazing hospitality and love for strangers.

If god was one of us... he'd probably get invited over to Daniel and Amanda's house. and they'd probably make him waffles!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Native Nik with stuff and the ender!

sk803's issue 17, featured on Mostly Skateboarding has our man Nik throwin' down the ender and some stuff before it. Thanks to you guys down there in NC! We'll be down there as soon as soon... as... enough of you buy our boards for us to have the cheddar to make it down there.

Here's what would grease the wheels! Shops! All of you guys talk to your shops and get them to call us, email us, facebook us and get us to come drop off a shipment! We'll come down on a shipment, no doubt!!!

Nik is manly...

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Matt Simpson: Blowin it.

One thing about Matt that's not hard to miss is that he's blowin it. Whether it's breaking his bones, swelling his bows, or shredding his orbital--he's keepin' it real... BY BLOWIN' IT!!!

"How," you might ask, "is Matt Blowin' it?" Well, my naive friend, just spend some time skating with him and he'll have you blowin it too, just by merit of his amazing "blowin-it-ness".

Viva la revolucion!

once you go Matt...

Secret Session: Cam's Ramp

seeeeeeeecret locaaaayshun...