Sunday, April 18, 2010

Factory Contest: Noonan GA

Our Thanks to Will Boatwright, our South East Rep/Ripper, for leading up Fickle's participation in the contest at the Factory in Newnan GA, on Saturday! Fickle dropped 3 boards, maass stickers, 4 hats, a donation for the cause... And Will held it down, helping with organization and judging all day long.

will is skating a big thingy today, and we'll have more details on the adventures of Will Boatwright, as events unfold.

Thanks to Drew Trosclair for inviting Fickle to the table at the Factory, and thanks to the kind folks at the Factory who have stocked Fickle on the wall for your enjoyment. Get on over there and pick up your shred sled from the Factory while supplies last!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Mr. Brumley

One of the best things of this trip has been Mr. John Brumley. This guy has handled the uncertainties and trials of the road like a total natural. Hats off to you, Mr. Brums. This was a mellow trip with only a few planned stops, but we ended up skating SPOA for 4 or 5 hours straight, no breaks, then skating a lock-in. Brums was down the whole time. He gets the Sammy Baca award for willingness to throw down. Brumley is down. And we are in support of Brumley. That's what the world needs: More of John Brumley.

brumley gets rad at the doghouse