Sunday, February 10, 2013

Sean Gibson: Road Warrior

Sean spent well over a week in the trenches, in the van, on the road with us on the last SAV trip. Through injury and insult, he KILLED IT every moment he was on board. He was the guy who had to take $10 to the Piggly Wiggly next to the Starbucks and turn it into the day's meals. Every day. Ramen, Corned Beef Hash, Black Beans, Rice packets... every day. And when he wasn't keeping us fed properly, he was filming, and facebooking what was was going on. Sean epitomized Road Warrior Life.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

This is how we come back from a trip...

We got home at 5am... first thing this day, we hit the wall... Quite literally. We poured this one in cold weather, so we'll have to tear it out some day... All good practice. No kidding. This is how we stay sharp!

Old Lew... at Woody's

Old Lew is never going to enter street league... But he's down to skate all day with you guys.

Miles killed

miles killed for the whole ten day trip. straight killed all day every day.