Saturday, September 3, 2011

coming soon: online store

We are getting seriously close to having the store up and running. The holdup is that we are scrambling to name and detail all our new stuff... It's more complicated than Old Lew had anticipated, because he's able to make just about anything... Soooo... There are the main shapes, the accidental radnesses, and the cruiser cut-downs. All in all, nothing is wasted. The 888 is a favorite. Big popsickle. Matt's favorite of all time... The Bull Nose is about 8.5 and just as long as the 888 There's a less-exciting 8.5 that is sized a little shorter for those who still believe that boards have to be short and same-ish to perform well on street... Please see the Gonz. There's a punk Point niner, and a punk Point 8.6er There's a massive pool board I like to call the Panhead. You gotta see it. Weston rides this one. There's "the Ben". It's a directional, "old-school" with a shaped nose and a flat tail. Totally street-able. Totally tranny ready. Then there are the cruisers and one-offs... These come from cut-downs after shaping mishaps... They are one of a kind.. Then there are the custom jobs. These go for $55 base price, plus shipping and handling. As I count that up, we are putting out like a million shapes! As usual, we are presently sold out, but there's a good stack on the finishing table. When the store is up, you'll be able to see what we have in stock in real time. Hopefully We will be able to get all the bugs worked out quickly and shopping up a Fickle will become routine.

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