Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Fickle FAQ: Custom Boards

Got this one yesterday. Good question:

"Hey, I think i've heard, or seen something about having your own fickle board made, and I was wondering what the deal was on that."

First off, THANKS for contacting us (me, Old Lew) here at the workshop.  Presently, I have a limited capacity to produce custom Boards. Nothing too crazy.

9.5 absolute widest, with a possibility of a slight "short ply". I like 9.25 for widest width...

Lengthwise, we can handle up to 34 inches pretty well.

Also, there is a certain "human uniqueness factor" to all the boards... Let's face it, we have no CNC, computer-driven precision cutting tables... We have a bearded man who loves skateboarding, skateboarders, and skateboards.

...so all final dimensions are pretty danged close, but robotics-free.

But yeah, if you want a custom board, send us an email at fickleboards@gmail.com and let's see what we can do... If I can't fit it in, well that's just tough luck for us all, because shaping something new is really fun

The present going rate is $60 plus shipping or delivery.

So there you go... Customs are limited to possibility, but possible. 

Remember, since you must Skate and Destroy,
Please Destroy a Fickle.

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